The Airways Aviation Group Opens Regional Hub In Turkey

Airways Aviation Academy (AAA) is now open in Turkey and will commence delivering Pilot Foundation Courses as part of its Commercial Pilot Pathway Program in Istanbul from February 28th, 2022.

The Airways Aviation Foundation Course is an excellent option for international students who are looking for a supportive learning environment in the first formative weeks and months of their pilot training. The students may all take advantage of the availability of highly skilled trainers operating within a well-resourced and environment that helps to enhance their training & education to become successful commercial pilots.

Turkey is a country at the crossroads of east and west and provides a series of strategic benefits including, safety & security, good local services, a competitive cost of living and ease-of-access to both domestic and international students.

The Airways Aviation Pilot Pathway is a 4 Phase tailored program designed to train and educate students to attain their EASA Air Transport Pilot License (fATPL) or alternatively, their Australian CASA Commercial Pilot License (CPL).

Airways Aviation Turkey aircraft

Phase 1 – Foundation Course  – Is four weeks long and has been developed by industry professionals to provide a meaningful introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of aviation as they are taught the requisite aviation subjects and assisted in developing initial pilot competencies.  Foundation Course students will gain the theoretical knowledge required to progress, with confidence and sit theory exams for their Private Pilot License before advancing into the flying phase.

Phase 2 – Practical Flight Training – Will be conducted at the Airways Aviation Academy in Samsun, Turkey with students having successfully completed their flying assessments and testing being awarded their International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Private Pilot License (PPL).

Phase 3 – Structured Hour Building – This part of the training provides for hour and skill building for a requisite number of flying hours (typically 100 hours). Students have the option to undertake their hour building in Turkey or transfer on to Airways Aviation Academy in either France or Australia for their PPL License Conversion and hour building.

Phase 4 – ICAO to EASA or ICAO to CASA License Conversion – This phase requires the student to be present in either France or Australia and involves the simultaneous commencement of commercial theory as well as commercial standard flight training aimed at students accomplishing their EASA or CASA Commercial Pilot License – (fATPL or CPL).

Qualifying students will also have the opportunity to join our bespoke program that delivers both a Bachelors Degree in Business along with a Commercial Pilot License (fATPL or CPL). These programs are conducted in conjunction with our renowned University Partners –  Montpellier Business School (MBS)  in France and either  Griffith University  or  Southern Cross University  in Australia.

“The need to meet current and future demand for commercial pilots in the Central Asian and other regions including the Middle East, Europe, and Africa makes the Airways Aviation Groups expansion into Turkey a necessary and timely priority. Turkey provides aviation students excellent access for the Foundation theory as well as the initial phases of their practical flight training in a competitively priced and well-resourced location that is also relatively close to home for most. We aim to provide our students the most diverse, industry applicable options and opportunities available to help accomplish their personal dream of flying as well as their professional career objectives.” said Romy Hawatt, Founder and Chairman of the Airways Aviation Group.

The Airways Aviation Pathway Program provides an excellent option for students interested in beginning their Aviation studies one step at a time and Airways Aviation Turkey will have foundation courses starting every month. To enquire or enrol, email

About Airways Aviation  

With over 35 years of international experience and a growing number of education & training locations strategically positioned across Europe, the Middle East and Australia, the Dubai, headquartered Airways Aviation today boasts being the largest privately owned group of multidisciplinary aviation academies of its kind delivering professional Commercial Pilot, Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, Ground Handling and Cabin Crew training.

Our advanced education & training programs couple practical & theory techniques within courses that are designed to match the rapidly increasing demand for students seeking optimum aviation career outcomes as certified EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency), CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Agency), ICAO and IATA professionals.

The Airways Aviation Group has trained more than 8,000 commercial pilots, graduated over 25,000 cabins, ground handling and maintenance professionals, and maintains over 50 aircraft in its global fleet including Europe’s largest fleet of Diamond DA40, Diamond DA42 aircraft and multiple Cessna 172, Cessna 182, and Piper Seminole aircraft with a diverse range of avionics systems including Garmin 1000, glass cockpits and retractable undercarriage.

Airways Aviation contact:

Doğukan AKTÜRK
+90 537 778 1276

Ulukan ABACI
+90 532 500 4591


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