New global foundation courses offer soft introduction to aviation

Airways Aviation has launched bespoke Foundation Programs for aspiring pilots in the United Kingdom, Australia, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Montenegro, Jordan and Lebanon.

The new aviation theory classes will commence almost simultaneously in the various locations. They provide students who are interested in pursuing a career as commercial pilot with a unique competitive edge and a critically important pathway and are particularly geared to students requiring extra help and support.

Classes for aspiring commercial pilots will commence between September 1st and October 20th 2014.

A tailored curriculum has been professionally designed and written to provide prospective students a soft introduction while simultaneously maintaining a robust and practical launch into commercial pilot training.

The Airways Aviation curriculum is based on both European (EASA) and Australian (CASA) requirements and subject matter incorporates substantive introductions to all of the key disciplines including Aviation English, Aerodynamics, Navigation, Meteorology, Human Performance, Flight Rules and Air Law, Aircraft general Knowledge and Operations, Performance and Planning.

Importantly, the course material and ultimate practical training programs are designed with a strong emphasis on supporting the specialised Aviation English elements continually during the entire study program.

Airways Aviation intends to provide as wide a range of prospective students as possible, both male & female from varying nationalities, an equal opportunity to enter the aviation industry as commercial pilots.

"Our education & training model is designed to open up the possibility of a career as a commercial pilot to as many prospective students as possible but with particular focus on those whom have a passion and interest but had previously believed it was somehow beyond their ability to become a pilot,” said Airways Aviation CEO Romy Hawatt.

“We have been able to design a program that simplifies and demystifies the pathway by breaking down the key theory concepts and principles and then delivering the course in a clear, concise and easily managed method."

Successful completion of the Foundation course will provide students a further opportunity to transition to commercial theory and simultaneously undertake their practical Aeroplane and/or Helicopter flight training at one of the Airways Aviation Flight Training Academies in Australia, the United Kingdom or Montenegro.

Airways Aviation is also seeking further expansion into Germany, Holland and Jordan with more study and training destinations to come on stream in the not too distant future.

Over the next 20 years Boeing & Airbus project a demand in excess of 35,000 new passenger and freight aircraft, with each requiring significant flight crew and support resources. With the expansion and upgrading of airline fleets globally, Airways Aviation is tracking growth and closely monitoring the current and projected aviation industry needs as key indicators of future pilot demand.

“Airways Aviation is primarily an education & training group that operates at the highest international standards,” Mr Hawatt said.

“We will continue to work hard to maintain and increase our competitive advantage and global positioning whilst still being nimble and adaptable enough to be able to operate on a very localised basis from country to country.

“Our business model is unique and differentiates us in a number of ways from our competitors. This shows particularly with the way we are better able to accommodate our international students needs from recruitment through to pilot training and graduation.

“The Airways Aviation Group is tracking according to plan and we will continue to posture and train commercial pilots to the highest standards to help meet the accelerating demands of the aviation industry world-wide.”


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